Friday, October 30, 2009

Mr. Potato Head

Back in the summer I told you about a conference I went to in Chicago for women bloggers. While I was at the conference, I was given a number of freebies to try out from various companies. One of which was a Mr. Potato Head! I can't believe how long these things have been around. This had to be one of my favourite toys as a kid....who didn't love sticking the arm where the nose was supposed to go!?! Anyways, with all the new sparkly, electronic, lightup-musical toys that there are these days, I wasn't sure it Maddy would appreciate MPH as much as I do. But it appears Madeline and I share the same love for this plastic-spudded-shoe-man.

Did I mention she now gives everything kisses?

1 comment:

  1. My 22 month old is totally into Mr. Potato Head right now... too cute!
