Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sleepy Girl

Here's the Little Lady in her PJ's the other night. She looks a bit sleepy. You can see that some of her hair is getting longer.
Things she's really into these days:
  • Dancing! She plays her music and dances along. Her moves are hilarious. If you say "touch the ground" she bends over and knocks on the floor. She also does "kicks" - which looks more like a funny walk than a real kick. Yesterday she danced so hard that she threw up a little afterwards.
  • Babies - her "bay-beeee" to be precise. She loves to carry them around, push them in the stroller and get them dressed. This morning she spent about 20 minutes putting a diaper on one of the "Bay-beee"s. She basically just wraps the diaper around the dolls foot and seems to think that's how it's done. It's very cute.
  • Doing things on her own & saying "no". For example, I watched her for over 30 minutes as she tried to put on her boots. I asked a few times if she wanted help from Mommy and each time she would answer "no, no, nooo" and would shoo me away.

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