Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jon & Kate Plus 8

I've been watching this show for a couple of seasons now. I think the kids are adorable (Aaden especially) and I think Kate is hilarious. But this season I've become quite disappointed with the show. Each show seems like a new infomercial for a new toy or a resort of some sort. The show used to focus on just the day-to-day challenges they were facing. Recent shows have included segments where Jon talks about a great new toy the kids got (remote control cars) .....and mentions how "age appropriate" they are (marketing speak). The segment is then followed by a commercial for the exact same toy. Hmmmm.....coincidence? This weeks show is the wedding special in Hawaii. The entire hour felt like a commercial for the resort they're staying at. I know that this resort "invited" them there and they are therefore obligated to talk about it but it really felt like I was being sold a time share for this place. Wish they would go back to the basics on this show - that's what attracted viewers in the first place.

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